Daily Archives: January 7, 2009

3. All – “Percolater”

Ahhh, West Coast punk… ideal for skating to (I presume) and usually with some pretty heavy doses of humour.

all-percolater1This CD was the 5th album in as many years from the group that rolled out of the end of more legendary punk outfit The Descendents. Not sure when or why I bought this. Looks like it was probably from fantastic second hand store Dixons. The album has the ups and downs you’d expect to see at a skate park (or the moshpit at a gig from these dudes). When it’s good, it’s great. The 3rd track Dot is a wonderful example of pop-punk, with great rolling drums driving the vocals up and down the scales – super catchy.

Alas the rest of the album pales in comparison. There are very too many doodly sound effect driven tracks (think Butthole Surfers without the energy), and then weird ballady type numbers.

Such a shame, they always had such good merch

File under: One killer, rest filler